Sunday, March 20, 2011


Death, it happens.
This occurs everywhere.
A single tear hangs on my face.
While people leave, ones who I care.

There’s no way to stop it.
No way to avoid this.
Dieing is unavoidable,
Nobody can reawaken with a kiss.

I’ve witnessed death myself.
An old man lying in bed,
He looked peaceful enough.
“Hi Dale,” was all I said.

A dog, old and frail,
Someone I knew very well.
The last few days, I hug him.
Hearing death’s ringing bell.

Sitting here, I gasp,
Barely breathing from pain.
There are memories and love..
Love can’t leave, it’s like a stain.

Slowly, I tell myself,
“I’ll see them again someday,
I’ll join them in heaven.”
This is all I would say.

People need to know.
Sure, death happens a lot.
But we just got to wait,
Because life is what we got.

Someday, we too will go,
Back to heaven.
But if one was truly bad,
Down to Hell’s den.

Cheer up! Be happy!
There’s life still going!
Things are happening
And shows are showing.

Death can be good.
From pain or old age,
They could finally rest.
A curtain falling on their final stage.


For a short while I wrote several death-related things. This is one of the first poems.

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