Friday, March 18, 2011

Only In Dreams

A girl lies down and gets ready to sleep.
The book she's reading falls down,
As the sound of sleep begins.
This is me, in my snowy night gown.

I'm standing in darkness...
Then a house forms as I stare.
A bus rushes by and I run to it.
Feeling terror that I can hardly bare.

Instead, I'm sitting on my bed.
Waiting, hoping, that something will happen.
A boy walks through a door.
I feel like he's more than just a friend.

I'm running through a store.
Under water with a boy.
Having a race with him, laughing.
I feel such a big joy.

I'm standing under a tree...
I feel darkness surrounding me once more.
A sadness fills me.
As I see the light as if from a door.

I'm awake, with my eyes still shut.
I swear silently. Not wanting to see the sun beams.
I sigh while giving up on trying to sleep.
Knowing that what I've seen...occurs only in dreams...

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