Two years younger than me,
Small bodied, blonde hair,
One big ear, one little.
Why'd you go? It's not fair.
We've had our ups and downs,
As kids, we have fought a lot.
You stood on your toes,
To be bigger than we thought.
You used to clench your fists,
Your arms snapped to your sides,
And you just stood your ground.
Against us older kids.
We've made you laugh,
We've made you cry.
We've hurt you by mistake,
Why did you have to die?
You have gone through a lot.
Operation after operation.
Tease after tease.
You deserve a standing ovation.
There were good times too.
The many class field trips.
The fun with old teachers,
The memories I'll never rip.
I remember how you cried,
Sometimes when you were sad,
Some of us would be there.
We would try and make you glad.
Why did you have to go now?
We'll pray for your family and you,
We miss you a lot already.
You were a good person, it's true.
You are in a better place.
Farewell, classmate.. and friend,
We will never forget you.
Your life is just about to begin.